Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Best season : Sep - May

Trekking duration :

5 Days.

Trekking grade :

A (Easy)

Mx. altitude :

1,940 m.

Starting from :

Pokhara (drive to New bridge and start walking for the trek.\

Ending Point :

Pokhara via Phedi.

Culture :

Different communities with majority of Gurung, Magar and Poon.

Mode of Trekking :

Popular in Tea house style (Lodge trek). But the trek can be operated in both tea house and camping trek on request

Himalayan Sights : Annapurna south, Machhapurchre (Fishtail), Hiuchuli , Gangapurna.

Highlight : Very easy and short trek that offers a glimpse mountain with the beautiful village of Ghandurk and Gurung’s unique culture.

Brif Info
\This short trek provides a good introduction into trekking whilst also providing some wonderful close up views of both the sacred mountain Macchapuchre (Fishtail) and Annapurna South. Our destination is the beautiful and ornate village of Ghandruk, home to the Annapurna Conservation Area Project. Here you have a chance to visit the project to discover at first hand the conservation work being carried out. A refreshing three days allowing an insight into mountain life. Maximum altitude 2600 meters.For Price & Further Information Please :
village ghandruk
                      Contact Info

Thank you for deciding to contact us about your trip. Please use provided email address to contact me (Mr. Binod). I will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

NOTE: If possible please provide your contact number.

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Binod Mahat (Tour Operator and Guide )

Hike Nepal (P) Ltd

P.O box: 15142, KPC: 771

Samakhushi, Kathmandu Nepal,

Tell: + 977 – 1 – 4386807 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 977 – 1 – 4386807 end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Cell: + 977 – 9841360403 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting + 977 – 9841360403 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (Binod)



very early wakeup call this morning to leave hotel at 5am. We (half of the group minus Bhup) drive for about half an hour then have a steep uphill walk for about 45 mins, in the pitch dark, to reach the sunrise viewpoint at Sarangkot. Within 10 mins of reaching here, the light starts to change and hit the tops of the Annapurna mountain range. We are at a height of 1592m here and have a breathtaking panoramic view from left to right of Annapurna South, Annapurna I, Macchapuchre (known as the Fish Tail due to it's distinctive shape) at a height of 6977m, Annapurna III, Annapurna IV, Annapurna II and Lamjung Himal. Truly an experience of a lifetime to watch the huge, red sun rise up over the mountains as the colours change constantly the higher it rises...colours and effect were slightly reminiscent of the Cuillins in Skye, for those of you who have been there. I've seen many sunsets during my travels so far but only 2 sunrises...that's what happens when you're not a morning person! Dune 45 in Namibia and now the Himalayas in Nepal. Wow, it really makes you appreciate the beauty of the

Lesley and me...about 6am!
natural world.
We reluctantly head back down the hillside and stroll leisurely talking to the locals and looking at their colourful handicrafts. I stop with sweets for one cute wee boy who is so excited that while jumping up and down his trousers fall down!!! Memorable snowy mountain and rural scenes make it the perfect way to start the day. There's lots of chunky knit things to buy but most of them are too bulky for the backpack, however I can't resist some colourful stripey booty type slippers :)
Bhup and I head out for breakfast at 9am...feels like I've been up for hours, oh I have! Find a great local, Newari restaurant (the main tribe of this region) and have an extremely tasty farmers omlette (tomato, red onion and spinach), Tibetan sweet, flatbread and lemon tea - well deserved after all that walking! Rest of the group are doing various activities so it's a free day for us. Bhup hires a motorbike and we explore Pokhara. Great to be on the back of a bike again :) We visit Devi Waterfall and the nearby caves - the only caves I've ever visited with a Hindu temple inside...think

Here comes the sun...
it was dedicated to Shiva, need to check the trusty Lonely Planet!). Then drive along the banks of Phewa Lake, which is a wee bit like the Lake District. I attempt to drive the bike on a quiet stretch of road but fail miserably so leave it to the expert.
Chillout at the paragliding landing spot for an hour or so drinking beer and enjoying the tranquil scenery and sun. Then we watch out for a few of our group landing and take some photos. As we're about to head back into the main area of Lakeside, we notice the bike has a puncture, oops! Hardly surprising though given the state of the Nepali roads with potholes galore and huge stones everywhere. I end up walking most of the way back while Bhup carefully steers, then pushes the bike to get the puncture repaired. I enjoy the walk back but Bhup is stressing.
Head out for dinner with the majority of the group. Once again, due to Maoist strikes, just about everything is closed, however we find a Chinese and enjoy a great meal. I even persuade Bhup to try some Chinese food which he reluctantly enjoys. Also
Yup, this is the wee guy whose trousers fell down
And no, I didn't take an after picture, that's just wrong!glad to see I haven't forgotten how to use chopsticks. Pokhara has a great vibe, especially in the peaceful north side of the Lake, so I've a feeling I'll be back...



It was an ambitious plan from the start. Develop the seven lakes that fall inside the then newly-created Lekhnath Municipality each with their own tourism niche, and create a “garden city”. So, one lake would be promoted as a perfect spot for water-gliding, while another would be promoted as a “honeymoon lake”.

Unfortunately, the decade-old plan has long been put to rest, and all the lakes today, including the more famous Begnas and Rupa lakes, are either encroached upon by locals, or invaded by weeds so as to make them extremely vulnerable, and possibly extinct.
The seven lakes—Begnas, Rupa, Khaste, Depang, Maidi, Neureni, and Gunde—all fall under the municipality, which was itself created in 1997, and is highlighted on its website as “the only city in Nepal that consists of seven beautiful lakes”. Yet, despite its promise, the lakes are now in real danger of extinction, and the 2002 Master Plan that promised a turnaround for the largely-unknown lakes has not even been implemented yet.
The Master Plan aimed to develop the lakes as tourist spots and as important wetlands, according to ex-mayor Shaligram Paudel. The Plan was made in conjunction with the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), and was presented to the Ministry of Physical Planning and Works and the National Planning Commission. The proposals included in the Master Plan were included in the Annual Budget of 2004-05 as well. The Budget allotted Lekhnath Municipality Rs. 2.25 billion as developmental budget, with the Master Plan included in it.
“Despite these steps, no work was initiated on the Master Plan, and no one seems interested in the conservation of these lakes now,” Paudel says, “Now, even the municipality is no longer interested.”
The Begnas Lake, the biggest lake of the town, was proposed as a site for water-gliding, while Rupa Lake, Begnas’ smaller cousin, was proposed as a site for “kayaking” and pisciculture. Other lakes were to be developed as potential fishing sites (at Gunde Lake), bird-watching sites (Khaste and Neureni lakes), natural therapy sites (Maidi Lake), and “honeymoon sites” (Dipang Lake).
While some of the lakes have become overrun with invasive weeds and plants, others have been encroached upon by locals. According to the Pokhara Valley Lake Conservation Committee, nearly 11 hectares of the 3 sq. km Begnas Lake have been encroached upon, while the 1.12 sq. km Rupa Lake has seen the maximum encroachment—of 34 hectares. Gunde, Khaste, Neureni, and Maidi Lakes are nearing total oblivion, with Maidi Lake encroached by locals’ paddy fields, while the other three are invaded by weeds and other grasses.

According to the president of the local chamber of commerce Baburam Jamarkattel, there is real danger that all the above lakes except Begnas face an existential crisis due to government apathy. “We need to conserve them first, then comes promotion,” he says, “It is up to the government to make sure this happens.” Jamarkattel also believes that if conserved, the lakes can provide the town with ample opportunities to present itself as a substitute for the more-popular tourist town of Pokhara. Paudel says the Master Plan was formulated to develop the concept of eco-tourism within the municipality. “The Plan remained a plan only because of non-implementation.”
Four of the lakes (Gunde, Dipang, Khaste, and Neureni) were even leased out to the private sector for 20 years to develop the necessary facilities, as formulated by the Master Plan. The lease wasn’t a bad idea in itself; lack of funds within the municipality meant the private sector could develop the lakes themselves. The private players were awarded the lease according to the Local Self-Governance Act 1999, and were supposed to clean up the lakes, develop pisciculture and duck farming areas, and create and maintain picnic spots. Accordingly, Gunde Fisheries Tourism, Dipang Agro-Tourism Pvt. Ltd, Khaste Agro-Industry Pvt. Ltd, and Swanisadan Higher-Secondary School were awarded the leases.
Despite the contracts, and the construction of roads as promised by the municipality, none of the private players seem to be interested in doing much. Yet, the municipality hasn’t withdrawn the contracts, and remains oblivious to the lack of development.
The municipality says it doesn’t have the necessary funds to carry out any work. “We can’t do anything except draw the attention of the government towards the lakes, and construct walking trails to the lakes,” says Ram Mani Adhikari, Acting Executive Officer of the municipality. “The lakes require millions. We don’t have that kind of money.”
Bacchuram Tiwari, chairman of Pokhara Tourism Board, says Lekhnath has the potential to develop as a viable tourist destination, and that’s why the lakes must be conserved. “Even if foot trails reach all the seven lakes, it will be a step towards their conservation.” Tiwari believes that Lekhnath Municipality can benefit from the increasing urbanisation and pollution in Pokhara. “The town can benefit as a destination for rural and natural tourism, but we need to develop it accordingly.”
Chairman of the Pokhara Valley Lake Conservation Committee Maheshwar Pahari says the state has to take the initiative to develop the seven lakes. “It’s not possible for small organisations like ours to initiate a project on this scale,” he says, “The state has to realise the tourism potential of the area.”


Devkota was a great poet, a prolific writer of undisputed classics, and so were other giants of Nepali poetry like Siddhicharan Shrestha, Gopal Prasad Rimal, and Bhupi Sherchan. But none were as big a poetry patriot as Lekhanth Poudyal (1885-1966).

Poetry was God's gift to him. But his most famous predecessors were not as gifted as Poudyal, according to the critics who have had the opportunity to read his masterpieces like "Pinjara Ko Suga," "Ritubichar," "Buddhibinod" and "Satyakali."
However, it can be said now that we undervalue our assets. We cannot change reality, but maybe we can look at it more kindly. Maybe we can stop saying for a while that the Poudyal wasn't the true servant of Nepalese literature.
But let us not forget the fact that he was the pioneer, who gave new dimension to Nepalese literature, and not even his most famous predecessors were able to match their superior compositions with his works.
In accordance with the Nepalese tradition, when a poet does well, we look for reasons to diminish his achievements, and for a very long time that is what happened with Poudyal. We needed a chariot to tell us that Poudyal was a great poet.
Poudyal was reportedly the first poet ever to be given a civic reception and a chariot ride to treasure his literary achievements. Observers say that such an instance has not been found in other countries in the history of world literature.
Poudyal was given a grand public felicitation on his 70th birthday. He was taken around the city in a special chariot amidst a grand ceremony as a mark of honor for his contribution to the Nepalese literature.
The government announced a half-day holiday at government offices to allow everyone to participate in the holiday. The then Prime Minister Matrika Prasad Koirala, government ministers, eminent litterateurs and a large number of citizens and well wishers participated in towing the chariot.
The chariot procession that commenced from the residence of the poet laureate at Thamel concluded upon reaching the historic Khari tree at Tundikhel after passing through the main thoroughfares of the town.
Most importantly even in his heights of fame, Poudyal was a picture of modesty. There was no " Look at me. I'm great" kind of swagger, as he was taken around the city in a special chariot amidst a grand ceremony.
"Poudyal was a far more practical poet than his most famous predecessors," asserts one critic. "He was not carried away by adulation like they were."
It's a long forgotten fact that he was felicitated by the state, but Poudyal will always be remembered for his numerous poems that interweave themselves with the Nepalese culture, tradition and society. The truth is that he was a humble poet who symbolizes two things: purity and honesty. That is why he is such an excellent poet for people to study.
In his poems, we can feel the socio-political veins of Nepal and the beauty of nature. His most renowned work perhaps is the poem "Pinjhara Ko Suga" in which he has symbolized the Nepalese people as a parrot inside a cage of the autocratic Rana rulers. "Pinjhara Ko Suga" was used as an anthem against the Rana regime, and it is said to have evoked the voice of the voiceless Nepalese then.
His other poem of equal magnitude is more relevant today. In his immortal poem, "Rastrako Jagriti" (national consciousness), he compared the Nepalese with Kumbhakarna (a demon who wakes up every six months only after suffering from acute hunger).
Although he wrote this poem half a century ago regarding the revolution of 1950, it is still applicable to present-day Nepalese character, as Nepalese wake up only after they are in the middle of difficulty, only to sleep again in the vicious circle of uncertainties.
It takes a lifetime to attain the greatness that embraced Poudyal, most probably because he always believed in making his life a poem and a poem his life.


Seti Khola River is a tributary of the Gandaki (known as Narayani in Nepal)
The Seti Gandaki River, also known as the Seti River or the Seti Khola, is a river of western Nepal, part of the Gandaki River drainage system.  It rises from the base of the Annapurna massif, and flows south and south-east past Pokhara and Damauli to join the Trishuli River near Devghat.
        It is a mysterious river.  Nobody can get way of this river.
In May 2012 a devastating flood on the river killed more than 60 people in Pokhara and changed the course of the river.


Pokhara Airport (IATA: PKR, ICAO: VNPK), is a regional airport serving Pokhara in Nepal. The airport was established July 4, 1958 and is operated by the government (Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal). It offers regular connections to Kathmandu, Jomsom and seasonal connections to Manang.

Contents [hide]

1 Airlines and destinations

2 Incidents and accidents

3 Terminal

4 References

5 External links

[edit] Airlines and destinations

Agni Air (Jomsom, Kathmandu) [4]

Buddha Air (Kathmandu) [5]

Cosmic Air (Jomsom, Kathmandu)

Gorkha Airlines (Jomsom, Kathmandu) [6]

Nepal Airlines (Jomsom, Kathmandu, Manang) [7]

Sita Air (Jomsom, Kathmandu) [8]

Yeti Airlines (Kathmandu) [9]

[edit] Incidents and accidents

6 November 1997 - A Necon Air Avro 748-100 (9N-ACM), after a flight from Kathmandu, suffered a hydraulic system failure after landing at Pokhara Airport and ran off the runway. The pilot steered the plane back on the runway after 100m, but it ran onto the ramp and struck another Avro 748 (9N-ACW) of Nepal Airlines), which was parked engineless. There were no fatalities among the 44 passengers and 4 crew. [10]

22 August 2002 - A Shangri-La Air De Havilland Canada DHC-6 Twin Otter 300, on a flight from Jomsom to Pokhara, crashed into a hill which was under complete cloud cover following 3 days of continuous rain. All 3 crew and 15 passengers were killed. [11]

[e Terminal

The structural design of the current terminal was designed by Shyam L. Sharma in the early 1990's.

^ Pokhara Airport at Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal

^ Airport information for VNPK at World Aero Data. Data current as of October 2006.Source: DAFIF.

^ Airport information for PKR at Great Circle Mapper. Source: DAFIF (effective Oct. 2006).

^ "Flying Schedule". Agni Air. Retrieved 8 June 2010.

^ "Flight schedule". Buddha Air. Retrieved 6 June 2010.

^ "Destinations". Gorkha Airlines. Retrieved 8 June 2010.

^ "Schedule Effective from 15 May, 2010 to 30 October, 2010". Nepal Airlines. Retrieved 7 June 2010.

^ "Destinations". Sita Air. Retrieved 6 June 2010.

^ "Scheduled flights". Yeti Airlines. Retrieved 6 June 2010.

^ Aviation Safety Network retrieved 18 November 2006

^ Aviation Safety Network retrieved 19 November 2006

kalpana cinema halls

Phone +977 61 520157 Let us know if these details are incorrect

Lonely Planet review

The Kalpana Cinema Hall screens Nepali films and Bollywood imports, plus the occasional Western blockbuster


Pokhara History

Pokhara Home Page Pokhara Fast Facts Places to Visit in Pokhara

Pokhara lies on an important old trading route between Tibet and India. In the 17. century it was part of the influential Kingdom of Kaski which again was one of the Chaubise Rajaya (24 Kingdoms of Nepal) ruled by a branch of the Shah Dynasty. Many of the mountains around Pokhara still have medieval ruins from this time. In 1752 the King of Kaski invited Newars from Bhaktapur to Pokhara to promote trade. Their heritage can still be seen in the architecture along the streets in Bagar (Old Pokhara). Hindus, again, brought their culture and customs from Kathmandu and settled in the whole Pokhara valley. In 1786 Prithvi Narayan Shah added Pokhara into his kingdom. It had by then become an important trading place on the routes from Kathmandu to Jumla and from India to Tibet.
From 1959 to 1962 some 300,000 refugees came to Nepal from neighbouring Tibet, which had been annexed by China. Four refugee camps were established in the Pokhara valley: Tashipalkhel, Tashiling, Paljorling and Jambling. These camps have evolved into settlements. Because of their different architecture, prayer flags, gompas and chorten, these can easily be distinguished from the other settlements.
Until the end of the 1960s the town could only be reached by foot and it was considered even more a mystical place than Kathmandu. The first road was finished in 1968 after which tourism set in and the city grew rapidly. The area long the Phewa Lake developed into one of the major tourism hubs of Nepal.
The history of Pokhara city shows that proper settlement in Pokhara was initiated from Bindabasini (Presently Ward No. 2) and Batulechour (Presently Ward No. 16). During the settlement period of that time mainly people were Thakuri (the ruling class people), Brahman, Chettri & Occupational caste group such as Kami, Kami, Sarki, Gaine, Newars. The trader caste followed in later on. It was only after eradication of malarial fever from the valley in mid 1960s and subsequent urbanization process such as development of transport and communication, health, education, trade, commerce, industries etc., gave rise to immigration of people from abroad which ultimately converted the homogeneous town into heterogeneous in nature.
The people of Nepal are the outcome of successive wave of migration of Mongoloids and Cancasoid from the two major Asiatic civilizations. Therefore, the people of Pokhara represent both of them and Austrolaid & Protogurtofoid stocks in minority as wee. Approximately 95% of the city’s population has its origin in hills, people of Terai mountain are 3% and 2% respectively. The 1991 census has recognized 60 ethnic and caste-groups. Of these, 29 are from Hill, 29 from Terai and 2 from Mountain region whereas the census of 2001 has recorded 70 diverse groups out of which 27 are from Hill, 35 from Terai, 4 from Mountain & 4 from mixed & unidentified categories. However, this classification includes four religious groups i.e. Chaurete, Marwari, Muslim and Sikh as well as Bengali linguistic group. Thus, the population of Pokhara is made up of numerous ethnic and caste groups, a number of classes and creeds as well as linguistic heterogeneity. It means pokhara city is highly diversified. Hence it is a cultural cradle of different ethnic, religious and linguistic groups. People are of different religious beliefs, but they are mostly Hindus and Buddhists. A marginal number of people follow Christianity, Jainism, Islam, Sikhs etc. The religious secularism, tolerance and co-existence are the unique characteristics of cultural components. Hence, no untoward incident has ever occurred. Nepali is the primary language of majority as well as its linguafranca. Newari, Gurung, Magar, Chaurete, Maithili, Thakali, Tamang, Bhojpuri etc. are other local dialects of Pokhara. Brahmans form the majority group and it is followed by Gurung, Newar and Chhetri groups. The Kami, Sarki, Damai, Thakali, Chaurete etc. are minority groups. The temples, gombas, churches, mosques are located in different localities of the city.
As being a cultural cradle of Western Region, Pokhara is the land of festivals with rich cultural heritage of the people of Indo-Aryan as well as Mongoloid stocks. From the very beginning pokhara city was able to attract the people with in the country as well as the tourists. More than 90 percent cultural ceremonies and activities have religious origin. Out of these, Buddhajayanti, Shrawan Shakranti, Nagpanchami, Janaipurnima, Teej, Bada Dashain etc. are totally religious. During the celebration of Lakhe Nach, Gaijatra, Bhairabjatra, Loshar cultural activities such as dancing and singing, repeating lores and legends are preformed as ceremonial rites and rituals. These are the most fascinating cultural phenomena of this cosmopolitan society. Apart from Hindu and Buddhist festivals, Id, Ramzan, Christmas Day, Easter Sunday, Good Friday etc are also observed by minority Muslim and Christian cultural groups.
In respects of cultural heritage, Pokhara is one of the richest cultural bowls in Nepal. It was a meeting point of several tribes, races, ethnos, castes and creeds from the very beginning. Now it has been converted into the homeland of several castes, creeds, tribes, races and cultural groups. Therefore, the different lifestyles of these people in aggregate reflect the cultural significance of the town.

POKHARA BUSSINESS INFORMATION & RESOURCES provide and offer business information of Pokhara. Indexing and listing of all types of business information as well as contact address of various business organisation & corporate house in Pokhara.


Art Galleries
Agency Business
Agro Enterprises
Animal Feed
Audio / Video
Baby Goods
Banks & Finance companies

Beauty Parlor
Bread / Bakery
Cable Networks
Carpet Manufacturer
Catering Services
Cement Blocks
Color Lab
Conference Hall
Consultancy and Auditing
Courier Service
Dairy / Milk Product
Departmental Stores
Drug Stores
Electric & Electronics
Export / Import
Exercise Books
Film Hall
Food Processing
Flooring and Furnishing
Glass / Plywood
Gold and Silver
Grocery Store
Health Clubs
Helicopter Services
Industrial Goods
Machinery Parts
Massage & Yoga
Money Changer
Manpower Supplier
Medicine / Aurvedic
Metal Products
Mineral Water
Motor Parts / Auto-mobile
Motor Vehicles

Mustard Oil
News Papers
Noodles & Macaroni
News Paper & Magazines
Pottery - Kitchen
Press, Printing & Publishing
Rafting Agencies
Real Estates
Restaurants & Bars
Readymade Industries
Rice Mill
Seat hood Services
Security Services
Social Organizations
Stationary / Books
Super Market
Taxi Services
Thanka Art
Tooth Paste
Training Centre
Transport Services
Tourist Bus
Travel Agencies
Trekking Agencies
Trekking Equipment
Tyre /Tube
Vehicles Services
Water Supply.


Definition of the Museum:
A museum is an institution which collects, documents, preserves, exhibits and interprets material evidence and associated information for the public benefit.

      Why in Pokhara:
>> To help decentralization of development.
>> Pokhara is the second tourism destination of the country.
>> It is a gateway to mountains and world famous trekking routes.
>> First eight thousander summited by French on Annapurna I.
>> Collection, documentation and display of the natural history and culture of the Himalayas and the world mountains.
>> Record and document chronicles of mountain activities in the Himalayas and other International mountain ranges.
>> Function as an educational and center for research on anthropology, sociology, mountaineers, ecology for the researchers, tourists, students and general public.
>> Provide a forum to share information among the international mountain community.

About the galleries
The theme of this museum is to cover the information and exhibits related with the Man, Mountain and Mountain activities around the world. The whole display area of the museum is based and divided on the above theme therefore the galleries are as follows:
A. Mountain People Gallery: It introduces the customs, tradition, heritage, culture and way of life of the world mountain peoples.
B. Mountain Gallery: This gallery presents the geological facts about the origin of world mountain system, the gallery displays and gives explanations on the subjects like geology, glaciology, rivers originated from the mountain or glacial fade rivers, mineral deposits and flora fauna etc.
C. Mountain Activities Gallery: It comprises the historical ascents and explorations in and around mountain areas, skiing, hunting, trekking and kayaking etc. And it also displays the development of the climbing gears and required equipments for mountaineering, climbing and other mountain activities.
D. Associates' Gallery: The presentation of various activities carried out by different Ingo's and NGO's in and around mountain areas e.g.:- KMTNC, IUCN, ICIMOD, WWF are displayed and explained in this gallery.

Research Center:
The museum supposed to act as a research center, it already started to collect, document and exhibit of the artifacts, books, journals and audio/video research works covering the areas of man, mountain and mountain activities.


There is a splendid Buddhist Monastry on the top of the small forested hill above Matepani east of Mahendra pool. It overlooks a large section of the Pokhara city and once there on find oneself lost in time amid the chanting Ramas, there colossal guardian images of the Buddha accompanying two other gurus and a prayer house with exquisitely carved columns and friezes.


Pokhara is not only god gifted place surrounded by the natural beauty but also rich from the historical view. Here you can find many historical oriented temples reflecting the ancient periods of the Nepal . Among the various temples in this city, Bhadrakali temple is one of them .This temple is in the east of the city.

In the year 1817 B.S this temple was previously known as “Mudule Thumpko”.It is 230 ft. above the sea level and is surrounded by greenery which give it a peaceful environment .
This temple came into origin when the Goddess “ Bhadrakali “ told the Priest to dig the hill .There they found the statue of the Goddess since then it has been worshipped as “BhadraKali”.
This temple covers an area of about 135 ropanies of land .People worship goddess Bhadrakali to fulfill their wish. Lot of marriage ceremony take place in this temple and some people even use it as a picnic spot.


This Cave divided into two parts. First parts is about 40 meters long, there is a natural cave and temple of Load Shiva to visit the first you have to pay Rs 30 per person as entry fee. In this first part you are not allowed to take photos. Next parts start after temple which way goes to the down side if Devis fall, the distance about 100 meters from second entrance, from there you can see the view of Davis Fall as well as natural rocks, Electric lights are managed for the convenience of the visitor. To visit 2nd part you have to pay Rs 100 per person. This cost covers 1st part and 2nd part. So if you pay Rs 100 you can visit both parts. After the Lord Shiva temple on second parts of this Cave you are allowed to take photos. Second parts is closed during 4 month of Monsoon (June, July, August and September)


Ultra-light aircraft take off from Pokhara and offer spectacular views of the lakes, mountains and villages. This is an ideal way to see life from a new perspective . The choice of the Pokhara valley for Ultra-light aircraft is appropriate chiefly because of the proximity of the mountains, and the scenic lakes. For those who wished they could fly like birds when growing up, this flight is a must. It might be lonely at the top, but the spectacular view from up high certainly makes it all worth it. Flights are from Pokhara airport beginning September through June. The flights take place from sunrise to 11 a.m. and from 3 p.m. to sunset every day during these months. Ultra-light aircraft is operated by Avia Club Nepal .


Nepal, a river rich country, provides plenty of options for recreational boating. Whether you are fond of rafting in whitewater rapids or just like floating slowly, Nepal provides you with both the options. Boat is a common form of transportation in the lowland of Terai in Nepal where monsoon and floods are very common. This common form of transportation used by local can give the traveler a memorable experience. Floating on a small dugout canoe on the river Rapti of Royal Chitwan National Park or a comfortable boat on Fewa lake of Pokhara, both have it's own style of pleasure. Nepal, a river rich country, provides an array of options for boating. Rivers in the Terai plains and glacier-fed lakes, both can be availed for recreational boating. Pokhara in particular is very popular among the tourists.

Phewa Lake in Pokhara is very much liked by the tourists.Baidam is centre of tourism activities in Pokhara. Begnas and Rupa Tal are located located in the outskirts of Pokhara. Hiring a boat for an hour for an hour or two, and sailing in middle or to the other side of the waterbody, is a refreshing experience. Nepal provides some fine opportunities for boating. These range from the glacier-fed lakes up North and down to where the laden rivers ease into the plains of the Terai. Pokhara's Phewa Lake is the most popular destination for travelers wanting to indulge in recreational boating. It is the second largest lake in the kingdom and measures roughly 1.5 by 4 km. Its eastern shore, also known as Lakeside or Baidam, is the center of tourist activity in Pokhara.

Popular Lakes for Boating in Nepal

Lake/River Location
Phewa Pokhara
Begans Pokhara
Rupa Pokhara
Narayani Chitwan
Rapti Chitwan
You can choose to hire a boatman or row the boat yourself. Three types of lakes are available in the lakes: rowboats, sailboats and pedal-driven. Sailboats can both be wooden and fiber-body. Sailboat experience is very rejuvenating when you sail around in breeze.
Boating in Pokhara Valley is fun-filled experience whole year, save the rainy season.However, the best time for boating is is between October and February.

Fishing & Angling
Lovers of fishing and angling can have great time in Nepal. The country is a very good place for pleasure fishing and angling. Some of the better known rivers for fishing and angling activities are Indrawati, Betrawati, Karnali and Koshi. Fresh water dolphins can be found in the Koshi, Rapti and Narayani river systems.
More than hundered varities of fresh-water fish can be found in Himalayan rivers. Most appropriate season to go for sport fishing is from February to April and October to December. Karnali is a popular river among the fishers and anglers. Confluence of Seti and Trisuli rivers as well as Kali Gandaki and Trisule rivers are also nice places for fishing and angling activities.


Paragliding in Nepal amongst the grandest scenery on earth is an inspiring experience. Float over mystery shrouded monasteries, ancient places, beautiful turqoise lakes, raging Himalayan rivers, exotic jungles and villages forgotten by time.
We are the first and the most experienced paragliding company in Pokhara offering great paragliding holidays in Nepal for over 15 years. We are unrivalled in our knowledge of flying conditions, flying sites and culture of the local areas. We have also been working closely with the Civil Aviation Authority of Nepal (CAAN) and Nepal Airsports Association to promote paragliding tourism as a major sport in the country.
We are located in Pokhara, the beautiful lakeside town with magnificent views of the Annapurna mountain range 150km west of Kathmandu. Located in the broad valley at an altitude of 800m, the reliable climate of this region allows consistent and friendly conditions for the paragliding pilots. It is not surprising that in a few short years Pokhara has earned a reputation of being one of the best paragliding destinations in the world.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Boasting exceptional views across the Annapurna mountain range, this small hotel offers modern rooms in the Dam-side area. Tibetan decor adorns the rooms in this inviting little guesthouse in the Pardi side of town, just a 20-minute drive from the airport. Guests wanting to walk to the Lake-side area can make the journey in 15 minutes, a picturesque trail that will lead to the discovery of many little stores and restaurants. While there’s a selection of dining options within walking distance of the hotel, the property itself includes a rooftop restaurant and bar where guests can absorb the relaxed Bohemian vibe and enjoy breathtaking views of the mountains

                                   dam side pokhara, Pokhara, Pokhara, Nepal


A short distance from Pokhara city, the Fewa Prince Hotel is a deluxe establishment offering exclusive views of the Annapurna Mountains. A ten-minute drive from Fewa Lake, this property provides absolute peace and seclusion with views of snowy peaks that can’t be witnessed from the dam-side and lake-side. Rooms are modern and spacious and the grounds of the hotel are immaculate, the tiered pool in the middle of the gardens allows guests to cool off during the warmer months. A free shuttle takes guests to the lake-side and also to the airport, and free bicycle hire is provided by the hotel for those wanting to take full advantage of the fresh mountain air.

Distance to Airport200 km

Earliest Check-In12:00 PM

Number of Floors2

Number of Rooms 30

Parking Serviceyes

Room Service (Yes, No, 24 Hrs)24 Hrs

Time to Airport (Minutes)600

Year Hotel Built1997

An excellent hotel with a great location. On one side is the main market and behind the hotel is the famed Fewa lake. Boat rides start from just behind the hotel. They also have a few cabins in the Hotel garden that overlook the Lake. Mikes Restaurant at the hotel offers some excellent contenetal, Chinese, Maxican and local food. We tried some Enchiladas that were excellent.Excellent staff and service; I would certainly wnat to go there again. However, I suggest that "Agoda" provides complete information about the hotels it shows on its website. This hotel has a family suite and we would have preferred to book it for convenience as well as savings. Overall great experience; spacious rooms and basic services available. The view from the rooms terrace is unmatchable but probably that is not true for all rooms. We were lucky to have the rooms falling in the range of 201 to 210.

The pool is roo small and is certainly not a feature that could draw there again. There is no in-room tea/coffee utility (kettle & dry stuff). It is quite at some distance from the city and Fewa Lake and that limits the evening/night life. The breakfast options were limited irrespective of any upper limit. I mean they could have placed an upper limit (as there was no buffet) in terms of amount, say Rs. 300.

Overall the experience is very good and we would want to go there except that now we would explore an alternate before emaking a final decision. The view from the hotel rooms (in range of room #s 201 to 210) is spectacular as bothe Fishtail and Annapurna could be viewed in clear weather. However, I would have loved to opt for a suite but Agoda website never showed it as an option. The very small pool is the biggest weakness apart from missing in-room tea/coffee facility.

Hotel Feature Tip : Spacious rooms & best view of Fishtail & Annapurna

kundhar - 14 pokhara p.o. box 8974 nepal, Pokhara, Pokhara, Nepal


Mt. Mount Kailash Resort is a newly built luxury hotel with all the modern amenities, managed by group of tourism professionals, situated in the heart of Pokhara city just 5 minutes drive from the airport , next to Fewa Lake and colorful bazaars. This is one of the newest and best deluxe hotel in Lakeside Pokhara.

Kailash Resort (P). Ltd. Lakeside, Pokhara-6, Nepal Tel: +977-61-465703, 464455 Sales and Reservation


Pokhara, 200 kilometers west from Kathmandu, sleeps peacefully alongside a three- kilometer long lake at the foothills of the mightly Annapurna and the peak of Fish Tail Mountain. Here gushing rivers cut great gorges that feed the lakes amongst the rising peaks.

And among these very gorges rests The Fulbari Resort & Spa, a wonderfully relaxing place, and the ultimate blend of contemporary international standards and time-honored traditions.
The Fulbari resort has 165 deluxe rooms. There are seven different wining and dining outlets. The resort has 9 hole golf course and a full fledged Spa. Other recreational facilities include discotheque, snooker, tennis, swimming pool, health farm, etc.
The resort has 165 exquisitely appointed super deluxe accommodations. All rooms are air-conditioned, have private balconies, televisio, mini-bars, smoke alrama nd sprinkler system, and are beautifully designed and decorated in classic style. Deluxe rooms are configured into single, double, King- and Queen-sized niches, all luxuriously appointed with all amenities and facilities in place
However, as The Fulbari Resort & Spa is right in the lap of majestic nature we would highly recommend that you exploit fresh air coming from the mountains. Please breath in fresh air and be healthy.
SINGLE / DOUBLE                  DOUBLE / DOUBLE
Deluxe Room US$ 175                   INR 7,000
Super Deluxe Room US$ 200          INR 8,000
Royal Executive Club US$ 250        INR 10,000
Honeymoon Suite US$ 400              INR 16,000
Landmark Suite US$ 600                 INR 24,000
Extra Bed US$ 50                            INR 2,000
Check In 1400 Hours
Check Out 1200 Hours
Other Meal Rates
Breakfast US$ 10
Lunch US$ 16
Dinner US$ 18
24 hour Room service

All Rooms are equipped with
- Centralized Air Condition / Heater
- Channel TV / In-House Video
- Hair Dryer
- Refrigerator
- Hot / Cold Shower
- Balcony

Deluxe Room
- Basic room amenities.
- Portable Water

Super Deluxe Room
- In-room Tea/Coffee maker
- Super Deluxe Amenities
- Mineral water
- Mini Bar
- News Paper/ Magazine
- Electronic safe
- Fruit basket Royal Executive Club / Suites
- Breakfast at the exclusive Royal Executive Club Lounge
- Complimentary non-alcoholic beverage in the lounge
- Airport transfers by private car
- Electronic safe
- Fruit basket
- Butler service
- Royal Amenities
- In-room Foot massage
- Privilege Check-In and Check-Out

The Fulbari Resort & Spa - Pokhara P.O. Box: 334 - Pokhara, Nepal. Post Box: 334, Pokhara, Nepal
Tel: 977-61-432451
Fax: 977-61-431482


Imagine a perfect, snow-capped mountain range pummeled by icy Himalayan winds. Imagine a place that rises so quickly, within 30 km, 1000m to over 8ooom peaks such as the majestic Dhaulagiri, Annapurna and Manaslu ranges. Imagine massive edifice of stone, reflected in the calm, serene waters of Phewa Lake. Such is the grandeur of Pokhara that there is no place befitting to enjoy it other than Hotel Pokhara Grande.

Walk just 1.5 kms from the lake, through the sound of ‘Om Mani Padme Hum’ wafting from shops selling prayer flags, carpets, masks and singing bowls, to arrive at Hotel Pokhara Grande.

The facilities and service is top notch and rooms are extremely well- appointed. Top of the line 78 deluxe rooms including four suites all come with individual bath, IDD and satellite TV, individually controlled air-conditioning, tea/coffee maker and a mini-bar. The rooms offer panoramic view of the Himalayas including the awe-inspiring Mt. Machhapuchare ( Mt.Fishtail ).
Other amenities include a fully equipped
Sauna ( Steam & Dry )
Beauty Parlor
Swimming Pool
A perfect rendezvous for pleasure and business , the Pokhara Grande is the first choice for conventions in this Lake District. It has four halls of different sizes with other facilities like:

Shopping Arcades.
Business Centre
Wi-Fi Internet
Laser Print, Xerox, Fax
Enough Parking Space
In-house Casino
Travel Desk

Room Tariff: Contact :

Hotel Pokhara Grande Pokhara Nepal.

Particular US$

Single Deluxe Room 180.00

Double /Twin Deluxe Room 200.00

Suite Room 300.00

Extra Bed 50.00

Lunch 12.00

Dinner 14.00

Breakfast 10.00

Pokhara Office: Pardi, Pokhara Tel: 977-61-460210, Fax: 977-61-460211
Kathmandu Sales Office Lainchour, Kathmandu. Tel: 0097714005030, 4431347
Fax: 0097714005029
Email: Pokhara Grand